Monday 12 March 2018

Perspectives - OGR

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alan, this looks like the start of an interesting dissertation project. I have a few suggestions for further research, starting with some more recent books on virtual reality:

    Virtual reality : representations in contemporary media (Available from Farnham is you place a hold on it - please let me know if you don't know how to this)

    Practical augmented reality : a guide to the technologies, applications and human factors for AR and VR (Available from Canterbury)

    The fourth transformation : how augmented reality and artificial intelligence change everything (Available from Canterbury)

    You may want to do some research around 'augmented reality' (AR) and AR gaming, as it's something that's become very prevalent, especially in terms of mobile tech and gaming.

    The Library's articles and book chapters search is a useful way to find journal articles on your topic, particularly those that critique films in terms of theory (you can find the articles search under 'MyLibrary' on MyUCA). I've done a couple of example searches so you can see what's available:

    "the matrix" and Baudrillard

    "truman show" and simulation

    You might also want to look at Inception as an example of a more recent film that deals with a simulates reality.

    Hope this helps,

