Wednesday 12 December 2018

Minor Project - Rifle Models, 08/12/18

Considering the size of the rifles in terms of how it scales with the characters, the rifles are overly detailed. To stylize the weapons more various changes have been made that reflect the rifles characteristics and makes the ergonomics fit the characters better. The defining characteristics of the SMLE are that it is a compact fire for the time with a magazine and rugged nature. To bring this out the model has been made deeper increasing the overall size. 

New model
Other details that have been changed include the rifle band that has been greatly emphasized in terms of how wide it stretches and its overall band thickness which has been done to both rifles.

Model from behind
Reasons on emphasizing the magazine is that it is a unique feature to the SMLE and was not a common feature for other service rifles of the time.

Exaggerated trigger guard and magazine along with larger bolt handle

Original model alongside new model
Above the new model is at the back with the new model in the front. Below the new model is in from with the original behind. It is apparent that specific features have been made more noticeable with shape of the stock being slightly changes to have a flat butt. The bolt handle has also been remodeled to consist of a single piece of geometry rather than two (the bolt handle and bolt) which will make it easier to animate in the future and simplify the pipeline. 

Old model on the left, new on the right
The Gewehr has undergone the same process being changed to reflect the characteristics of the weapon. The rifle was renown for being a precision accuracy rifle with great range. Reflecting this is the length of the rifle and its far less chunky and streamlined design with prominent sights. An enlarged bore has been given for intimidation highlighting the deadly nature of the gun.

New Gewehr 1898 model

Model from the side


  1. Yes - you've got to keep your eye on the goal, Alex - you're building props that will feature in a stylised animation; you're not working on a project wherein your ability to recreate actual historical elements is the goal (you're not making a museum piece, you're making an experience that makes the past feel less like a museum through the power of film-making). If you're giving disproportionate amounts of your time, energy and obsessiveness to 'modelling things in 3D', then you're spending your 'time budget' on the wrong stuff. There's obviously a 'sweet spot' here between honouring the world of your story through historical detail and 'making a film' - let's ensure you stay in it, because in so doing, you will better achieve your aims.

  2. thank you, I will continue to model with the project in mind
